Here are the rest of the promised pictures! We opened Snoopy a few weekends ago now. We have had a LOT of positive feedback on it. I had a little boy come up and take a picture with me as Peppermint Patty bc he has freckles in real life and wanted to have a picture with my pretend ones. It was ADORABLE. :)
We have been working on the last two shows to open next weekend. Its been a lot of hard work, but we are almost there! We have our first full day off coming up soon which will be amazing. Once all the shows are opened next weekend we will be doing 7-8 performances a week!
One on thursdays, two on friday, two on saturday, and two on sunday. Then depending on the week we have special performances on monday and tuesday nights. Exhausting!!!
I am really tired of switching all the sets. We change out of one set and bring up the next set right after!
Once all the shows are open family and friends will start visiting. I'M SO EXCITED!!!!
I miss people in the outside world. haha
I will post more pics sometime soon!